Monday, 30 November 2015

About Granite Countertops – The Paradise Stone

If you think there might be a kitchen remodeling project in your future, then you really should consider granite countertops. Granite kitchen countertops are not only beautiful and durable, but also add value to your home.

A Little about Granite

Granite is a tough and durable stone, but it does come in varying grades. This is primarily concerned with how much calcite is in the granite. Calcite is a mineral which makes limestone and marble. The problem with having calcite present in the granite is that it reacts to acids. The other issue with granite is how permeable it is. Some granite requires the application of an impregnating sealer before they can be used for a granite countertop. Generally speaking, lighter shades of granite are more likely to require a sealer. Fortunately, there are a couple of tests that you can perform on samples of the granite that you are considering using. These tests can be done at the same time.

Testing Your Granite Countertop

For the first test, after thoroughly dusting off your sample, place a few drops of lemon juice on the polished side of the granite, and wait for 5 minutes. While you are waiting, put a few drops of water, and a few drops of cooking oil on a nearby spot. Allow these to sit for 5 minutes also. While you are waiting, keep an eye on these test spots. If you notice the water or oil spots darkening within the 5 minutes, then you will need to seal the granite to protect it from spills. If neither darkens, then your granite may not require sealing. If, after 5 minutes the lemon juice spots have become dull, then you will need the impregnating sealer for protection of the granite.

For your kitchen countertop project there are basically 3 ways you can go. Choosing one depends upon what granite countertops DC cost you can afford or want to spend.

Granite Countertops Cost

The least expensive option is installing granite tile countertops. For around $4 per square4 foot, you can take what are basically granite floor tiles and epoxy them to your counter. While this can be a stunning look for your counter, it does have the disadvantage of having many seams. Seams are usually something to avoid on a countertop, because they are more likely to be a place where a leak could occur.

The next step up in cost would be to choose modular granite countertop pieces. At around $25 per square foot, per-cut pieces of countertop are put down with adhesive. This results in fewer seams, and smoother look. The advantage to these first 2 choices is that they both can be accomplished as do-it-yourself projects.

The final method is to hire a remodeling company to design and cut a granite slab countertop. At about $60 per square foot this is the most expensive option, but it is the option that will yield the most impressive result. Due to the immense weight of a large marble slab, it is simply impractical to pursue this option as a do-it-yourself project.

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